Cyber Monday VS. Black Friday

What’s Cyber Monday?  It’s a cool event happening next Monday, November 28th, 2011.  Many members of the PDX Etsy Team are offering shopper discounts on tons of handmade treasures just in time for the holidays.  It’s a lot like Black Friday, but without the big box stores, long lines and general craziness normally associated with

Attitude of Gratitude

Humans are funny.  We tend to focus on what hasn’t happened, what didn’t meet our expectations, and other disappointments rather than noticing all that we’ve received. When I was younger I can remember many occasions in which I would become upset and totally focus on what didn’t work for me, rather than finding the good

Your Sweet Spot

“Productivity is never an accident.  It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” ~ Paul J. Meyer When I worked a 9-5 job I noticed that my mind was clearest in the early part of the day. By the afternoon I would begin to feel my energy fade.

Checking in with yourself

In the early years of my business, when I was first making hats, reconstructed sweaters, scarves and more, I would work crazy long hours.  I might crochet for 12 hours a day, or sew for 8 hours at a stretch.  The next day I’d be broken down—sore shoulders, pain in my hands, basically unable to

Grasping the Good – Setting Boundaries

Setting boundaries is hard, especially if you’re a helpful person like me, but it is one most necessary aspects of managing your life effectively and reducing your stress. I wasn’t raised with a model for how to set boundaries. I was encouraged to be helpful, and so that’s what I did, for most of my