The Morning Routine

What are your mornings like?  Are they calm or chaos?  Do you wake up excited to start your day, or do you wake up feeling overwhelmed?  I know I used to.  How you begin your day really sets the tone for your day.  If you start your day in a rush you’ll spend all day


Smoothies in the morning are my fave thing these days.  Here are a couple of my current favorite smoothie recipes: * I don’t measure anything, who needs perfection? Fruit Smoothie: A handful of frozen mangos (Trader Joe’s frozen section) 2 spoonfuls of greek yogurt (full fat keeps you full longer, also from Trader Joe’s) One

The Maven Circle

The fantasy of working for yourself is much different than the reality.  When most people start a business it looks something like that of someone who’s newly in love.   You believe that anything is possible and see all that you can gain from it or give to it and then (bum, bum, bum) you realize

Tutorials and creative inspiration from DIY Lounge

  Here’s a link to some craft tutorials that I posted some time ago to DIY Lounge. Here is a link to a 31 day creativity challenge I did.

Jen & Jocelyn: a line of skirts lovingly made in small batches

(Repost from my former blog DIY Lounge) Update:  Jocelyn and I are working on many new skirt colors with stylish embellishments that are comfy and totally now!  Photo shoot and new blog post coming soon! Maybe you’ve heard me talking about the line of skirts that I started with my friend Jocelyn or maybe you

Update on Uncamp

So we’ve been doing Uncamp for about a week now.  For anyone who didn’t read my first post about Uncamp here’s the link.  Basically, Uncamp is my answer to my son not wanting to attend summer camps anymore and my desire to keep him from playing computer games and actually facilitate additional learning, growing and

Rebel Craft Rumble 2011

(Repost from my former DIY Lounge blog) Last Wednesday night was the Rebel Craft Rumble, hosted by Scrap.  In case you aren’t familiar with what the Rebel Craft Rumble is all about, think Iron Chef with crafts.  Like Iron Chef, competitors have specific items that they must work with and then they compete side by

Yarn Bombing!

(repost from my former blog DIY Lounge) Did you know that June 11th, 2011 was International Yarn Bombing Day?  Well it was. For anyone who doesn’t know what  yarn bombing is, it’s basically attaching knitted or crocheted pieces to outdoor items: trees, signs, bike racks, etc. People tend to  think of it as art and/or

The World Domination Inspired Summer Uncamp

(Repost from my former DIY Lounge blog) This post isn’t about the best camps to enroll your child into.  It might not work for all families, but I think it’s a great solution for mine.  If you have your child’s summer full of activities and camps, you don’t need this post.  If you don’t have

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